TISSUE :- tissue a group of cells having similar structure and function.
✓ tissue from various body organs like heart kidney etc.
✓ study of tissue is known as histology.
-there are four type of tissue which perform different functions:-
1. Epithelial tissue(perform the function of covering and protecting)
2. Connective tissue (provided structure function of the body)
3. Muscular tissue (movement of the body)
4. Nervous tissue (control different function of body)
✓ The epithelial tissue or epithelium covers the body surface and lines the internal organs, vesicles and body cavity.
✓ Sales in epithelial tissue are closely packed and arrange in one or more layer.
✓ A thin sheet of connective tissue known as basement membrane.
Structure of tissue :-
✓ Epithelial cell make up the surface layer of skin mucous membrane and serious membrane.
✓Classification of tissue occur in the body as :-
1. Simple epithelium :-
i) simple squamous epithelium
ii) simple cuboidal epithelium,
iii) simple columnar epithelium
2. Starified epithelium :-
i) starified squamous epithelium
ii) starified cuboidal epithelium
iii) starified columnar epithelium
1. Simple epithelium :-
i) simple squamous epithelium :- it compromises only a single layer of flat and scale like shape.
ii) simple cuboidal epithelium :- it compromises only single layer of cuboidal cells that rest on a basement membrane.
iii) simple columnar epithelium :- it comprises only a single layer of column cell.
✓ it is tall and column shaped.
2. Starified epithelium :-
i) starified squamous epithelium :- it compromises of multiple layer of flat cell.
ii) starified columnar epithilium :- it comprises of multiple layer of column shaped cell.
iii) Starified cuboidal epithelium :- it comprises of multiple layer of cuboidal cuboid shape cell.
Function :-
Epithelial perform the following functions:-
1) protection - they protect the body from mechanical injury, harmful chemical and form invading bacteria.
2) sensation - stimulus is received by specialised epithelial cell.
These epithelial tissue having sensory nerve ending are present on the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.
3) Absorption - sales of epithelial tissue or a small intestine are specialised to absorb nutrients from the digested food.
4) Excretion - cell of epithelial tissue are specialised to excrete waste products from the body during the process of excretion.
5) Cleaning - dust particles and foreign bodies that enter the air passage are removed by ciliated epithelium.
6) Secretion - epithelial tissue of glands are specialised to security specific chemical substance.
LOCATION Of Simple squamous epithelium :-
i) simple squamous epithelium - air sacs of lungs, leaning of heart, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, etc.
non ciliated type in males sperm carrying duct and duct of large gland etc.
i) Non keratinised :- surface of mucous membrane, leaning the mouth and vagina etc.
ii) starified cuboidal / columnar - leaning portion of the male urethra, duct of sweat gland etc.
✓ found in almost every organ of the body.
✓ it is made up of fibrous cell and ground substance.
✓ connective tissue help to connect tissue and transport of different type of material.
Function of connective tissue :-
✓ IT act as energy store.
✓ it provides protection to different body organ.
✓ It provide structural framework to the body.
✓ it connects different body tissue.
✓ it connects epithelial tissue to muscle fibres.
~~~> Classification of connective tissue:-
--Connective tissue proper :-
1) Loose connective tissue :-
this fibres are loosely woven.
✓ it has large proportion of ground substance.
✓ there is lead distorted and after distortion it become tough and resist deformation.
a). Aerolar connective tissue :-
✓ the former loose network in the intercellular material and are not arrange in a particular pattern.
✓ the function of areolar connective tissue is to provide strength, elasticity and support.
✓ yellow elastic powder of round in arteries and white plastic powder are found in kidney and brain.
b). Adipose connective tissue :-
✓ it consists of adipocytes which stores fat as a large country located droplet.
✓ it is present in deep in the skin around heart and kidney and yellow bone marrow.
✓ it reduce heat loss from the skin.
✓ it gives shape to the limbs and body and protect organ from injury.
3. Reticular connective tissue :-
✓ it consists of reticular fibres and reticular cells.
✓ reticular tissue is found in the spleen, and the lymph node and the bone marrow.
✓ reticular tissue help in the production of blood cells.
✓ it is ability to provide protection against injury substance.
2). Dense Connective tissue
a) Dense irregular connective tissue :-
✓ in this type fibres are densely packed.
✓ In dense connective tissue the content of fibres is high and content of cell lower as compared to loose connective tissue.
✓ inform tendence (attach musvle to bone) and ligaments (attach bone to bone).
✓ tissue is slavery white and tough in nature.
✓ it provides strong attachment to structures.
b). Dense irregular connective tissue :-
✓ it consists of collagen fibres which are a regularly arranged and few fibroblast that appear in rows between the fibres.
✓ it is present in tissue beneath the skin, dermis of skin etc.
✓ it provides strength to different organs.
c). Elastic connective tissue :-
✓ it consists of FY branching elastic fibres.
✓ fibroblast are present in spaces between fibres.
✓ it is present in lungs, tissue, bronchial tubes etc.
✓ it is yellowish in colour.
✓ it allow stretching of various organs
-- Cartilage :-
It consists of a network of closely packed collagen fibres and elastic fibres embedded in gallatin assessed and called chondroitin sulphate of ground substance.
a). Hyaline cartilage :- ( bluish white, flexibility and support )
✓ It is bluish white in colour
✓ it is the most abundant cartilage in the body.
✓ it provides a small surfaces for movement at joint, flexibility and support.
b). Fibro cartilage :- ( strong, tough, slightly flexible, protect bony structure)
✓ it is the strongest form of cartilage.
✓ it is tough and slightly flexible.
✓ it covers and protect bony structure of body.
✓ it is present in intervertebral disc.
c). Elastic cartilage (strength and elasticity).
✓ it is present in pinna of ear and top of Linux.
✓ it provides strength and elasticity.
✓ it maintains the shape of certain organs, such as external ear.
--Blood :-
✓ blood is a connective tissue with liquid extracellular matrix called as blood plasma.
✓ the blood cell are suspended in the blood plasma.
✓ blood is composed of 55% plasma and 45% of blood cells.
✓ plasma is composed of 90-92 % of water, 7% of plasma protein and clotting factor and 1% mineral salts sugar hormones and vitamins.
✓ blood are of three types are:-
Erythrocytes (RBC)
Leucocytes (WBC)
Thrombocytes (platelets)
✓ it is present within the blood vessel and within the chamber of heart.
✓ it is hardest connective tissue.
✓ it is composed of 25% ,water 30% organic material and 45% inorganic salt.
✓ bone is arranged in concentric ring structure called osteons.
✓ it is well vascularized.
✓Two type of bones are:-
i) Compact Bone tissue. ii) Cancellous bone tissue.
✓ muscular tissue are present in all part of the body.
✓ this is to assist the skeletal system in movement and locomotion of the body.
✓ muscular tissue is formed by the aggregation of muscle cell.
✓ on the basis of muscle cell of fibre there are three types of muscular tissue.
i) skeletal muscle ( muscles are attached to the bones and movement)
ii) Smooth muscle ( muscles are present in inner lining of body organs)
iii) Cardiac muscle (muscle in the heart known as cardiac muscles.)
i) Skeletal muscle tissue :-
✓ The muscles are long and cylindrical in shape.
✓ fibres are parallel to each other.
✓ they are multinucleated stated and voluntary.
✓ length is 30-40 CM
✓ muscle attached to the bones hands called as skeletal muscles.
✓ it is usually attached to bones by tendons.
✓ it had to give motion heat production and protection.
ii) Cardiac muscle :-
✓ these muscles are shorter and branched
✓it is stated but involuntary.
✓ its fibre is parallel to the other brands and multinucleated.
✓ to cutting muscle fibres are attached by thick and plasma membrane called intercallated discs.
✓ it pumps blood to all parts of the body.
iii) Smooth muscle :-
✓ A smooth muscle fibre is usually small.
✓ the cell are spindle shaped.
✓ it is thickest at the centre and tapering at the end.
✓they are arranged in sheets or layer.
✓ it control and relax to regulate the blood pressure and flow of blood.
Nervous tissue who is a highly specialised tissue system that react to stability and conducts impulses to various organ in the body.
✓ The nervous system has two basic systems:-
1. Central nervous system. - it contains brain and spinal cords
2. Peripheral nervous system. - it contains of cranial ans spinal nerve.
-- Two main type of cell are :-
1) Neurons (Nerve cell) :-
✓ it is made up of said body exons and dendrites.
✓ neurones cannot reproduce.
✓ the cell body contain nucleus and other organelles.
✓ each nerve cell contain many dendrites.
✓ each nerve cell contain singal axon, which is thin long and cylindrical process.
---on the basis of structure neurones can be classified as
a) Unipolar = these are sensory neurones which are located in the skin, joint and muscles.
b) Bipolar = in this neurones to process arise from the cell body in opposite direction.
-it is present in retina of eye.
c) Multipolar = in this neurones many dendrites arise from the cell body,
they present in the brain and spinal cord.
2). Neuroglia -
✓ the cell provide support protection and nourishment to the neurons.
✓ glial cells can reproduce.
✓ they cannot conduct signals.
✓ they are more numerous and smaller than nerve cells.
✓ the three type of glial cells are astrocyte, oligodendrocyte and microglia.
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