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Hellostudents my website name is notes for pharmacy means in this wepsite we provide hand written notes for pharmacy students 

Friends this wepsite we are start because of covid -19 whole country student not go their school and collages and see most of the problems in learning , so we help in learning you all topics of notes related pharmacy.
Collage and school student can search there topics in this website.
This is new website friends perday we provide 3 to 4 post of pharmacy related topics 

Main motive of our wepsite is to give b-pharm and d-pharm notes but 80% chapter are related to any course of science students.

Target of our wepsite is each and every medical students read our notes and start preparation of there exams.

Our service is provided easy and 💯% accurate hand written notes.

If any quarry you can contact me :-

My name is Drx ajay shukla
Iam a teacher of b-pharm student my main subject is human anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology.
But our team have so many teacher they provide you all books notes.

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