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cardiovascular system pdf, Cardiovascular system bpharm

INTRODUCTION •The system that fulfils the transportation needs of the body is cardiovascular system.  • The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.  Main functions of the cardiovascular system are : 1) Distribution of O, and nutrients to all the body.  2) Transportation of CO2 and metabolic waste cells and tissues. 3) Distribution of water, electrolytes, and hormones throughout the body.  4) Parts of the immune system. 5) Thermoregulation. Blood is pumped through a muscular organ of the circulatory system called the heart. It is composed of very strong cardiac muscle tissue and shows rhythmic contraction and relaxation. As a result of this contraction and relaxation, a force is generated that pumps the blood to the entire body along with nutrients and oxygen. Anatomy of Heart Heart is a muscular organ, present in all vertebrates that pump blood to the whole body continnously. •  In humans, its size is eq...
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nervous system pdf, classification of nervous system

NERVOUS SYSTEM • Introduction Nervous system is a highly advanced network of specialised cells called neurons. • By the help of millions of neurons, nervous system coordinates body functioning and transmits signals between the different body parts. • A single nerve is a collection of various neurones. These bundles of neurons are covered by a protective layer of connective tissue; and this layer can be divided into :  1) Endoneurium : It surrounds each individual neuron. It is a delicate tissue. continuous with the septum that passes inwards from the perineurium. 2) Perineurium : It is a smooth connective tissue that bundle of fibres. 3) Epineurium : It is a fibrous tissue that surrounds and encloses numerous nerve fibre bundles. CNS is the main control centre of the whole system. all external and internal internal stimuli passes to the CNS by means of sense and receptors.  • CNS interpret these stimuli and if necessary response to them example moving...

Lymphatic system

LYMPHATIC SYSTEM INTRODUCTION • The lymphatic system forms a closed network of lymph vessels through which lymph circulates all over the body.  • The flow of lymphatic fluid is unidirectional, from tissue spaces to the blood. • By circulation of lymphatic fluid, the body is protected against harmful agents.  • Interstitial fluid is produced by filtration of components of the blood plasma through the walls of blood capillary. • This interstitial fluid is then termed as lymph as it moves into the lymphatic vessels. • The lymphatic system consists of: 1) Lymph, a fluid 2) Lymphatic vessels that transport the lymph.  3) Lymph nodes through which lymph passes before retuming to the blood. 4) A number of structures and organs containing lymphatic tissue, e.g. spleen and thymus  5) Red bone marrow, where stem cells develop into various types of blood cells, including lymphocytes. 6) Diffuse lymphoid tissue, e.g. tonsils.   Lymphatic Organs And Tissues Immun...

body fluid and blood | Function of body fluid | Body fluid physiology

Compartment of body fluid Almost 55% and 60% of the total mass in female and males respectively is made up of body fluids. The body fluid is present in two compartments does it is divided into two types :- 1. Intracellular fluid (ICF) or crytosol It is the fluid present within the cell and make up around two third of body fluid. 2. Extracellular fluid ( ECF) :- -it is present outside the cell include the rest of the body fluid. ---. Extracellular fluid :- • Plasma and interstitial fluid makeup the extracellular fluid. • The interstitial fluid surrounds the cells while the plasma is found within the body vessels. • extracellular fluid also include a small volume of lymph and transcellular fluid. • Interstitial fluid make up around 80% of the ecf and lodges the microscopic spaces between the tissue cell. • Remaining 20% of ecf is made up of plasma which is the liquid part of blood. Intracellular Fluid  •  fluid account largest volume of the body. • it inc...

Classification of joints | Types of joint | Function of joints

JOINTS Joint is a point of contact between bones and cartilage or between bone and teeth. the site where more than two bones made to carry out the movement is known as joint or articulation. More than hundred type of joint are present in the human body. Some joint have no movement ( fibrous) , some have only slight movement (cartilaginous) , and some are freely moveable (synovial) Asthrology :- is the science considered concerned with the study of anatomy, function, dysfunction and treatment of joint and articulation. Classification of joints :- Joints are classified on the basis of structure and function:- 1- Structural classification of joints Structural classification is based on the material that hold the join together and whether or not a cavity is present in the joint. - structurally joints are of three types :-  Fibrous joint - there is no saddle joint and the bones are held together by fibrous joint. Cartilage joint - there is no synovial joint cavity and bones...

Skeletal system of human body || Skeleton system parts structure and function.

Function of the skeletal summery  1. Protection :-  cranium protects the soft tissue of the brain. 2. Movement :- the vertebrae allow us to band stretch and rotate our body. 3. Blood production :- red blood cell are made in the ribs and limbs bone. 4. Support :- the bones of the leg support the body. The vertebrae supports the head. 5. Protection :- the ribcage protects delicate heart and lungs. 6. Mineral storage - the bone act as a reserver staring vital minerals such as calcium. BONES :-  Osteology is the study of bones and teeth. osteology is usually applied in field in anthropology forensic science and archaeology for function like determination of nutritional value health and also to determine the position of bone within the body. Types of bones  • the femur is an example of a long bone. • The frontal bone is a flat bone. • The patella also called the kneecap is sesamoid bone. • Carpals and tarsals are example of short bones. • Vertebrates are ...